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php-memcached PHP extension for interfacing with memcached via libmemcached library
php-mode PHP editing mode for Emacs
php-opcache PHP extension for opcode caching
php-pcntl PHP extension for Process Control functions
php-posix PHP extension for POSIX-like functions
php-psr Provide the accepted PSR interfaces for other extensions
php-pthreads PHP extension for POSIX threads support
php-raphf Resource and persistent handles factory
php-raphf2 Resource and persistent handles factory
php-shmop PHP extension for simple SysV shared memory operations
php-sysvmsg PHP extension for SysV IPC Message Queues support
php-sysvsem PHP extension for SysV semaphore support
php-sysvshm PHP extension for SysV shared memory support
php-xcache Fast and stable PHP opcode cacher
php-xdebug PHP extension for debugging
phpstorm-bin JetBrain\'s PHP IDE
physfs Library providing abstract access to various archives
picasm Assembler for Microchip PIC16Cxx microcontrollers
picopb Small implementation of Google protocol buffers in C
picotrace System call process tracer
picp Command-line Picstart Plus/Warp-13 PIC programmer
picprg Parallel port PIC programmer
pilrc Generate resources for PalmOS applications from textual description
pipestatus UNIX/POSIX shell helper for running pipes safely
pkg-config System for managing library compile/link flags
pkgconf API-driven pkg-config replacement
plotutils (V) Programs and library for plotting scientific data
ply Python Lex-Yacc
pmccabe Measures the McCabe cyclomatic complexity of C and C++
poco POCO C++ Foundation libraries
polly Polyhedral optimizations for LLVM
popt Command line option parsing library
poxml Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files
prcs Project Revision Control System
ProjectCenter GNUstep Integrated Development Environment
protobuf Google protocol buffers
protobuf-c Protocol Buffers implementation in C
pstreams POSIX Process Control in C++
pth GNU Portable Thread library
pthread-sem Semaphore implementation for (PTH) pthreads
pvs The PVS Specification and Verification System
pwlib Portable Windows Library
py-absl-py Abseil Python Common Libraries
py-adb Pure Python implementation of the Android ADB and Fastboot protocols
py-ailment The angr intermediate language
py-aiocontextvars Asyncio support for PEP-567 contextvars backport
py-aiofiles File support for asyncio
py-aiounittest Test asyncio code more easily
py-angr Platform-agnostic binary analysis framework
py-anytree Powerful and Lightweight Python Tree Data Structure
py-apipkg Namespace control and lazy-import mechanism
py-appdirs Module for determining appropriate, platform-specific dirs
py-approvaltests Assertion/verification library to aid testing
py-archinfo Classes with architecture-specific information
py-argcomplete Bash tab completion for argparse
py-argh Unobtrusive argparse wrapper with natural syntax
py-argparse Easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools
py-args Command Arguments for Humans
py-astor Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs
py-astroid Rebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Python's ast
py-async_generator Async generators and context managers for Python 3.5+
py-async-timeout Timeout context manager for asyncio programs
py-at-spi Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
py-at-spi2 Python Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
py-atomicwrites Python module for atomic file writes on POSIX
py-atpublic @public decorator for Python
py-attrs Attributes without boilerplate
py-automat Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go
py-autopep8 Automatic formatter of Python code to conform to PEP 8
py-babel Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
py-backcall Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API
py-backports Namespace for backported Python features
py-backports_abc Backport of recent additions to the '' module
py-backports.functools_lru_cache Backport of functools.lru_cache from Python 3.3
py-backports.os Backport of new features in Python's os module
py-backports.shutil_get_terminal_size Backport of the get_terminal_size function from Python 3.3's shutil
py-bcolz Columnar and compressed data containers
py-behave Behaviour-driven development
py-binaryornot Guess whether a file is binary or text
py-bintrees Provides Binary-, RedBlack- and AVL-Trees in Python and Cython
py-bitstring Python module to create, manipulate, and analyze binary data
py-black (V) Uncompromising Python code formatter
py-blessings Thin, practical wrapper around terminal
py-blinker Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
py-boltons Functionality that should be in the standard library
py-boost Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Python binary library)
py-bugzilla Bugzilla XMLRPC access module
py-buildbot Continuous integration system
py-buildbot-console-view Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-grid-view Grid View Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-pkg Packaging tools for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-waterfall-view Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-worker Worker for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-www Web frontend for the buildbot CI system
py-bump2version Version-bump software with a single command
py-cachecontrol Port of httplib2's caching to requests
py-cached-property Decorator for caching properties in classes
py-cachetools Extensible memoizing collections and decorators
py-canonicaljson Encodes objects and arrays as RFC 7159 JSON
py-capstone Python bindings for capstone